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发布于:2023-12-07 作者:桐驰丽 阅读:5

1. Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe) – 近70000元/500g


Da Hong Pao, also known as Big Red Robe, is a premium Chinese oolong tea variety from the rocky cliffs of the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province. This prized tea is among the highest quality, rarest, and most expensive teas in the world. One of the most famous tea trees, the \"Qi Dan\" tea bush, has yielded tea valued at over US$1.2 million per kilogram. This tea is a rare find, and its prices reflect its rarity and quality.

2. Panda Dung Tea – 近50000 元/500g

Panda Dung Tea is a type of green tea grown in Sichuan Province in southwestern China. This tea is made from tea leaves that are fertilized by panda droppings. The pandas live in a natural reserve that is surrounded by tea gardens, and the tea pickers use a unique method to gather the finest leaves that are fed by the pandas. The tea has a unique, mellow taste and a light, refreshing aroma, and it is highly valued by tea enthusiasts worldwide.

3. Tie Guan Yin (Iron Goddess) – 近5000元/500g

Tie Guan Yin is a type of premium Chinese oolong tea named after Guanyin, the Buddhist goddess of mercy. It is grown in the southern Fujian province of China and is famous for its orchid-like fragrance, refreshing taste, and beautiful earance. The process involves plucking the tea leaves, withering them in the sun, and oxidizing them under controlled humidity. The tea is then tightly rolled, baked under moderate heat, and finally curled, producing a smooth and delicate brew.

4. Puerh Tea – 近3000元/500g

Puerh Tea is a type of Chinese tea produced in the Yunnan Province of China. This tea undergoes a unique fermentation process that imparts a distinctive flavor and increases its health benefits. Puerh Tea is valued for its rich, earthy flavor and smoothness, and it is believed to lower cholesterol, improve digestion, and aid in weight loss.


5. Yellow Gold Da Hong Pao – 近2900元/500g

Yellow Gold Da Hong Pao is a rare variety of the famous Big Red Robe tea. This tea is grown on the same rocky cliffs of the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province, but it is processed differently than the traditional Da Hong Pao. Yellow Gold Da Hong Pao tea leaves are lightly oxidized, giving it a delicate flavor and yellow-green color, making it more expensive than the regular Da Hong Pao.

6. Bai Hao Yinzhen (Silver Needle) – 近1200元/500g

Bai Hao Yinzhen, also known as Silver Needle, is a type of premium white tea grown in the Fujian Province of China. This tea is hand-picked and minimally processed, preserving its delicate flavors and aromas. It is composed of only the youngest and most tender buds of the tea plant and is highly valued for its subtle, sweet taste and floral aroma.

7. Junshan Yinzhen (Mount Jun Silver Needle) – 近1000元/500g

Junshan Yinzhen, also known as Mount Jun Silver Needle, is a type of yellow tea produced in Hunan Province, China. This tea is made from the first young, tender leaves that grow on a remote island in Hunan Province. This island can only be accessed by boat, and the tea must be transported and handled carefully to avoid damage. Junshan Yinzhen has a unique flavor and aroma, similar to green tea, but with a distinct, mellow sweetness.

8. Huangshan Maofeng (Yellow Mountain Fur Peak) – 近900元/500g

Huangshan Maofeng, also known as Yellow Mountain Fur Peak, is a type of green tea produced in the Anhui Province of China. This tea is grown in the renowned Huangshan Mountain, famous for its breathtaking scenery. Huangshan Maofeng leaves are picked early in the morning, giving it a refreshing flavor and floral fragrance, and it is highly valued for its quality and health benefits.

9. Longjing (Dragon Well) – 近800元/500g

Longjing, also known as Dragon Well, is a type of premium green tea grown in the Hangzhou region of China. Longjing tea is highly valued for its pure, smooth, and gentle flavor, as well as its unmistakable aroma and light, clear earance. This tea can help lower cholesterol levels, clear the mind, and may help to reduce fatigue.

10. Luan Guapian (Luan Melon Slice) – 近700元/500g

Luan Guapian, also known as Luan Melon Slice, is a type of green tea produced in the Anhui Province of China. Luan Guapian is made from the second leaf of the tea plant and is processed differently than other Chinese green teas, giving it a unique taste and earance. The tea has a mellow, refreshing flavor and is highly valued for its health benefits, which include reducing stress and improving digestion.

In conclusion, Chinese tea is an essential part of Chinese culture, and there are a variety of teas available with a wide range of prices. The above-listed teas are some of the rarest and highest quality, making them very expensive. The price of these teas reflects their rarity, quality, and health benefits. If you are lucky enough to try one of these expensive teas, you are sure to experience a unique taste and aroma that you will never forget.


头像 斯诺格林 2023-06-02
十大名茶哪个最贵 武夷岩茶 十大名茶中最贵的西湖龙井为武夷岩茶,因为武夷岩茶中的之一大红袍,在2005年第七届武夷山红袍节上,以4万/10克的一直价格成交,相当于一斤520万元。物以稀为贵,种1号年产量在两斤右,最高时价格达100万元/公斤。 NO.5 河南信阳毛尖 信阳毛尖又称豫毛峰,属绿茶类。
头像 撩妹团长 2023-06-02
它们有的御前极为昂贵,咱们也有贵出天际的十八“猫屎茶”……,茶王赛清香型铁观音以7万元/100克价格成交。早在2012年的金瓜中国海峡茗茶珍品上,茶王赛清香型铁观音以7万元/100克的价格成交,相当于67万元每公斤,这个价格也成为了铁观音拍卖的每年最高价! 第七:安徽六安瓜片 六安瓜片和黄山毛尖齐名。
头像 稚晖 2023-06-02
中国最贵茶叶排名价格表 最贵的茶叶是武夷山母树大红袍,其价格高达520万元一斤。武夷山大红袍的品质优异,但产量稀少,价格很昂贵。大红袍干茶条索紧结。

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