首页 - 茶文化 > 摩尔斯电码对照图及中文对照表规律与图片


发布于:2023-12-07 作者:邱小 阅读:3


Morse Code Chart

A Morse code chart is a graphical representation of the Morse code alphabet and numbers. It is often used as a reference to translate Morse code messages. The chart includes the Morse code signals for all the letters of the English alphabet, as well as for the numbers 0 through 9, and some common punctuation marks.

Morse Code English Alphabet Chart

A .- B -... C -.-. D -.. E . F ..-. G --. H .... I .. J .--- K -.- L .-.. M -- N -. O --- P .--. Q --.- R .-. S ... T - U ..- V ...- W .-- X -..- Y -.-- Z --..

Morse Code Number Chart

0 -----

1 .----

2 ..---

3 ...--

4 ....-

5 .....

6 -....

7 --...

8 ---..

9 ----.

Morse Code Punctuation Chart

.·.-·.-·· ·-·-·-- ---··· -·-·-··- --··-- ·-·-·-· -····- ···-···- ----- .-.-.- --··-- ·-··-·- = ····-··-·

The Rules of Morse Code

Morse code follows a set of simple rules to encode and decode messages. Each letter is represented by a series of dots and dashes, with each dot representing the letter's first morse code character and the dash representing the second (the order of the characters is always the same).

In Morse code, the letters of the English alphabet are represented as follows:

- A is represented by a dot and a dash (·-)

- B is represented by a dash and three dots (-···)

- C is represented by a dash and a dot and a dash (-·-·)

- D is represented by a dash and two dots (-··)

- E is represented by a single dot (·)

- F is represented by two dots and a dash (··-·)

- G is represented by two dashes and a dot (--·)

- H is represented by four dots (····)


- I is represented by two dots (··)

- J is represented by a dot and three dashes (·---)

- K is represented by a dash and a dot and a dash (-·-)

- L is represented by a dot and two dashes (·-··)

- M is represented by two dashes (-·)

- N is represented by a dash and a dot (-·)

- O is represented by three dashes (---)

- P is represented by a dot and two dashes (·--·)

- Q is represented by two dashes and a dot (--·-)

- R is represented by a dot and a dash (·-·)

- S is represented by three dots (···)

- T is represented by a single dash (-)

- U is represented by two dots and a dash (··-)

- V is represented by three dots and a dash (···-)

- W is represented by a dot and two dashes (·--)

- X is represented by a dash and two dots (-··-)

- Y is represented by a dash and a dot and two dashes (-·--)

- Z is represented by two dashes and two dots (--··)

Each number is represented by a series of dashes and dots as well, with no spaces in between:

- 1 is represented by a single dot

- 2 is represented by two dots

- 3 is represented by three dots

- 4 is represented by four dots

- 5 is represented by five dots

- 6 is represented by a dot and a dash

- 7 is represented by two dots and a dash

- 8 is represented by three dots and a dash

- 9 is represented by four dots and a dash

- 0 is represented by five dashes

In addition to the letters of the English alphabet and the numbers, Morse code also includes signals for some common punctuation marks:

- A period is represented by a dot and a dash (·-·-·-)

- A comma is represented by two dashes (--··--)

- A question mark is represented by two dots and two dashes (··--··)

- An equal sign is represented by a dash and three dots (-···-)

In conclusion, Morse code is a simple, yet effective code system that has stood the test of time. It is still used today in various fields and is a skill still taught to hams, scouts and others involved in emergency services. The chart helps to understand the system while repetition of practice helps to build speed.


头像 皇太极 2023-06-12
评论说万一有个意外也可以用摩尔斯电码来通信(这个真的可以有) 假如你对象也会的话,两个人在一起简直不要太好玩~! 我当时的男朋友也学会了,我俩有时候就用摩尔斯码发短信聊天。摩尔斯电码对照表(MorseCode)(含简语)句号.。---逗号,停止(消息结)邀请发射信号(一般跟随AR。
头像 DanielFC 2023-06-12
如下图:摩尔斯电码来历:摩尔斯电码(又译为摩斯密码,Morse code)是一种时通时断的信号代码。
头像 野客 2023-06-12
摩斯密码对照图 TRANSLATE with x English var LanguageMenu; var LanguageMenu_keys=[ar,bg,ca,zh-CHS,zh-CHT,cs,da,nl,en,et,fi。
头像 毛毛雨 2023-06-12
图和文字均可 摩斯密码对照表如下:摩尔斯电码也被称作摩斯密码,是一种时通时断的信号代码,通过不同的排列顺序来表达不同的英文字母、数字和标点号。它发明于1837年。
头像 小芳 2023-06-12
电报通信的语言是由电码号组成的。电报通信最早是由美国的摩尔斯在 1844年发明的,所以电码号也被叫做摩尔斯电码(Morse code)。
头像 见仁见智 2023-06-12
头像 2023-06-12
头像 骄傲男人 2023-06-12
摩斯电码对照表图,摩斯电码对照表相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让咱们一起来看看吧! 如下图:摩尔斯电码来历:摩尔斯电码(又译为摩斯密码。标准摩尔斯电码对照表 摩尔斯电码( morse code) 它由两种基本信号和不同的间隔时间组成:短促的点信号“·”,读“滴”(Di);保持一定时间的长信号“—”。

标签: #普洱茶的摩尔斯电码

