首页 - 饮茶 > 十大顶级普洱茶品牌、山头、价格与排名一览


发布于:2023-12-07 作者:闵初珍 阅读:3

1. Xiaguan Tea Factory (下关茶厂)

Xiaguan Tea Factory, founded in 1902, is one of the most famous brands for Pu-erh tea. The headquarter is located in Dali, Yunnan. Its tea is known for its strong flavor and aroma with a lasting aftertaste. The price varies depending on the age and quality of the tea, but it can range from a few hundred yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

2. Menghai Tea Factory (勐海茶厂)

As one of the earliest producers of Pu-erh tea, Menghai Tea Factory is known for its well-crafted tea with a smooth and mellow taste. The price for its tea is also relatively affordable, ranging from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan.

3. Dayi Tea Factory (大益茶厂)

Founded in 1955, Dayi Tea Factory is another renowned brand for Pu-erh tea. Its tea is known for its rich and complex flavor and aroma. The price for its tea can be quite expensive, with some of the older and rarer tea fetching tens of thousands of yuan.

4. Baohetang (保和堂)

Baohetang, founded in 1892, is one of the oldest brands for Pu-erh tea. Its tea is known for its unique taste and high quality. The price for Baohetang's tea can range from a few hundred yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

5. Xiaguan Jiuchang (下关酒场)

Xiaguan Jiuchang is a sub-brand under Xiaguan Tea Factory, which specializes in producing aged raw Pu-erh tea with a distinct taste and aroma. The price for its tea can range from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

6. Haiwan Tea Industry (海湾茶业)

Haiwan Tea Industry is a well-known brand for Pu-erh tea with a history of over 20 years. Its tea is known for its smooth and mellow taste. The price for its tea can range from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan.

7. Banzhangshan (班章山)

Banzhangshan is a famous mountain in Yunnan, known for producing some of the best quality Pu-erh tea. The tea from Banzhangshan is known for its strong aroma and complex flavor. The price for the tea from Banzhangshan can be quite expensive, with some of the older and rarer tea fetching tens of thousands of yuan.

8. Yiwu Mountain (易武山)

Yiwu Mountain is another famous mountain in Yunnan, known for its high-quality Pu-erh tea. The tea from Yiwu Mountain is known for its smooth and mellow taste with a sweet aftertaste. The price for the tea from Yiwu Mountain can range from a few hundred yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

9. Wuliang Mountain (无量山)

Wuliang Mountain is a lesser-known mountain in Yunnan but is gaining popularity for producing high-quality Pu-erh tea. The tea from Wuliang Mountain is known for its complex flavor and aroma. The price for the tea from Wuliang Mountain can range from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan.


10. Lao Banzhang (老班章)

Lao Banzhang is a renowned brand for Pu-erh tea, and its tea is known for its strong aroma and deep flavor. The tea is made from tea trees that are over 100 years old and grows on Lao Banzhang Mountain in Yunnan. The price for the tea from Lao Banzhang can be quite expensive, with some of the older and rarer tea fetching tens of thousands of yuan.


头像 酒诗话 2023-06-12
截止2019年,普洱茶十大知名品牌有老班章、冰岛、昔归、曼松、薄荷塘、刮风寨、弯、千家寨、困鹿、老曼峨。 老班章 纯正血统的中国老班章,茶气刚烈。十大顶级普洱茶是大益茶、下关沱茶、中茶、老同志、八角亭、陈升号、庆沣祥、澜沧古茶、福海茶厂、雨林古树茶。
头像 齐眉 2023-06-12
十大顶级普洱茶 顶级普洱茶品牌排行榜 旗下六大茶山凤庆、普洱、宜良茶厂,成立于2003,竹塘云山二茶厂,福元。 原勐海茶厂主拼配师文华创立的公司品牌,借老字号传播,2006重建)。
头像 2023-06-12
福海茶厂建立于1983年,是国内知名的大型普洱茶企业,旗下的茶叶茶品种有80多个,还拥有本人的行业原料基地。 雨林古树茶 雨林古树茶也是十大顶级普洱茶品牌之一,它选云南百年古树。
头像 石石 2023-06-12
十大顶级普洱茶山头 易武茶区山头、茶品众多。
头像 世伟 2023-06-12
十大顶级普洱茶 大益普洱茶 上榜理由:大益普洱茶由著名企业云南大益茶业集团所生产,它以云南大叶种的晒青毛茶为天然原料,陈香随着时间越发显著,口感醇厚爽,要20年时间内。

标签: #普尓茶盖得排名


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