首页 - 饮茶 > 茶胶寺:中国援建和修复的寺庙,是哪个的?英文资料介绍


发布于:2023-12-07 作者:qq67115 阅读:2

1. Introduction:

The Ta Keo temple, also known as Ta Keov temple or Ta Keo monastery, is a Buddhist temple located in Cambodia, which has been renovated and restored with the assistance of China. This temple is regarded as one of the most significant religious and cultural sites in Cambodia, attracting both locals and tourists alike. In this article, we will explore the history of the Ta Keo temple, its significance, and the role of China in its renovation and restoration.


2. History of Ta Keo Temple:

Ta Keo temple was built during the reign of King Suryavarman I in the early 11th century. The temple is located on a hilltop in Angkor Thom, which was the capital of the Khmer Empire. The temple was originally dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva but was later converted into a Buddhist temple during the reign of Jayavarman VII.

However, the Ta Keo temple gradually fell into disrepair over the centuries due to natural disasters and human activities such as looting and destruction. Furthermore, during the Khmer Rouge regime, the temple was used as a training camp for soldiers, causing further damage to the structure.

3. Significance of Ta Keo Temple:

The Ta Keo temple is considered to be one of the most important religious and cultural sites in Cambodia. It is a significant example of Khmer architecture and artwork, with intricate carvings and sculptures depicting Buddhist and Hindu mythologies.

4. China's role in renovation and restoration:

Recognizing the historical and cultural significance of Ta Keo temple, China provided financial and technical assistance to restore and renovate the temple. In 2014, China roved a $2 million grant to Cambodia for the restoration of the temple.

The renovation project was carried out in several phases, including the reinforcement of the existing foundations and the reconstruction of the damaged areas. China also sent a team of experts to assist with the restoration, including engineers, architects, and archaeologists.

5. Conclusion:

The Ta Keo temple is a significant historical and cultural site in Cambodia that has been well-preserved thanks to China's financial and technical assistance. The restoration project has not only restored the temple to its former glory but has also created employment opportunities for local residents and promoted cultural exchanges between China and Cambodia. The restoration of Ta Keo temple is a testament to the strong ties between China and Cambodia and their shared commitment to preserving cultural heritage.


头像 王珞丹 2023-06-10
头像 大漠弯刀 2023-06-10
11月10日,中国援柬哥古迹茶胶寺修复目实体移交仪式在暹粒举行。茶胶寺位于通王城以东、塔普伦寺西北,这座金刚宝座塔式的庙是一座全砂岩石建筑,但并未建造完成,故此也是哥古迹中的一座几乎不存在雕刻的寺庙。 全寺由坚硬的哥窟长条青石整齐地堆积起三层平台。
头像 莉安 2023-06-10
茶胶寺(高棉语:??????,罗马化:Ta Keo),是柬埔寨哥古迹中一座金刚宝座塔式庙,位于哥城东、塔茏寺西北。1000年阇耶摩五世(Jayavarman V)兴建。
头像 2023-06-10
茶胶寺位于通王城以东、塔普伦寺西北,这座金刚宝座塔式的神庙庙是一座全砂岩石建筑,但并未建造完成,故此也是哥古迹中的一座几乎不存在雕刻的寺庙。 全寺由坚硬的小圈长条青石整齐地堆积起三层平台。
头像 缘分的天空 2023-06-10
头像 Henry陈恒 2023-06-10
茶胶寺(Ta Keo),柬埔寨哥地区的位置寺庙山,很可能是高棉人所修建的第一座全砂岩寺庙。 茶胶寺 遗址 茶胶寺应是罗贞陀罗摩二世(Rajendravarman II。

标签: #茶胶

